Votes: Energy Bill

On 12th September 2023, the House of Lords debated Commons Reasons and Amendments to the Energy Bill. Votes were held on motions relating to amendments, in which bishops took part:

Division 1:

The Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich took part in a vote on a motion tabled by Baroness Blake of Leeds which would require the Secretary of State to publish a statement on plans to make homes and rental properties energy efficient within six months of the Act being passed.

The motion was disagreed. Content: 191 / Not Content: 216

The Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich voted Content.


Division 2:

The Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich took part in a vote on a motion tabled by Lord Teverson which would prohibit new coal extraction.

The motion was disagreed. Content: 186 / Not Content: 214

The Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich voted Content.


Division 3:

The Bishop of Manchester took part in a vote on a motion tabled by Baroness Boycott which would require the Secretary of State to work to remove the barriers to establishing Community Energy Schemes.

The motion was agreed. Content: 208 / Not Content: 205

The Bishop of Manchester voted Content.
