Bishop of Leeds asks about support for Russian anti-war organisations in the UK

The Bishop of Leeds asked a question on government efforts to help coordinate Russian anti-war organisations based in the UK, following a government statement on the conflict in Ukraine on 28th February 2024:

The Lord Bishop of Leeds: My Lords, I am grateful for what the Minister has said. It is understandable that the murder of Alexei Navalny is commanding the headlines, but there are other opposition leaders, a number of whom are in prison and possibly facing the same fate as Navalny.

There are Russian anti-war organisations outside Russia, including here in the UK. Are the Government using their convening power to bring some of these disparate opposition groups together in order that they can exercise what we might call soft power to influence people back in Russia? Indeed, are the Government aware of their existence? I am aware that they do not all co-operate very well, but that might be for the lack of some sort of convening power.

The Earl of Minto (Con, MoD): My Lords, the Government provide support, either overtly or discreetly, wherever they can to these groups. There is no doubt that that can help in certain cases to ease what is a very difficult situation.
